The Battle Journalism is Facing is Quite Large

However, journalist are not backing down now. Journalist are asking the tough questions society wants answers to, then fact-checking every little bit of information given. More than 300 million Americans are sheltered in place, not to mention the 26 million now unemployed, meaning they need accurate and updated information. Journalists many times are required to correct wrong information and counter what someone many read on social media, thinking what they just read is all true statements.

It is no secret that social media releases tons of news to the public. Leading society to question whether what's being reported is fake news. Even country leaders are even getting in on this trend. Since being in office Trump has attacked several major news reports at almost all the major news outlets, some may even say he is "bullying" them. For example, calling one "A terrible reporter" when asking simple questions such as how Americans should be addressed when so many are scared during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Using Twitter for GenealogySocial media is a big cause for this trend, several large companies have announced many layoffs, due to things like Google or Facebook. However, many scholars are saying if Benjamin Franklin, one of the most known journalists, would resurrect, he would love the boom of news on social media such as twitter. So, is journalism really dying?

The answer is no, but what is dying is unbiased journalism. In fact, it was the same way in Franklin's time and even up until the 1900's. Throughout school, Journalist are taught to tell facts and look at the whole picture, yet big news outlets aren't even doing that. Unfortunately, meaning objective journalism is in fact dying. We need to make the change and get the classic view of journalism back to its original state. Only upcoming journalists can make this change.

"Unless journalism can become about reporting facts instead of proving a point, the public trust in journalism, which was so robust, will be gone forever." -Samuel Schell-Olsen


Covid-19 Media Consumption

A study with 4,000 users between the ages of 16 to 64 in the US and UK are being studied to see how much more they are using social media due to Covid-19 and the Stay-at-home order. 

Gen-Z (16-23 years old): Are stating that 51% are watching more online videos while on the flip side 9% are consuming more press news. 

Millennials (24-37 years old): 44% are still consuming more online videos, yet 10% full under consuming the "none of these" category. 

Gen-X (38-56 years old): 45% are consuming more broadcast tv, while on the other hand, 7% are consuming more physical press.

Boomer (57-64 years old):42% are consuming more broadcast tv, yet 4% are consuming more podcasts.

Overall: 80% more of people in this study, consume more of some kind of content since the Covid-19 outbreak. Since they are forced to stay at home when normally they would be out doing activities like shopping at the mall. 
68% of consumers are online to find pandemic updates. However, Gen-Z has other intentions, such as probably listening to music then searching for news. 

internet activities

This diagram breaks down consumption by generation

Go to for Covid-19 News: US consumers turn to the World Health Organization for Covid updates, while UK consumers are more likely to turn to there government for the latest information.

New subscriptions due to Covid-19: If any generation was to subscribe to a new subsection it would be Netflix. However, all generations have preferred not to subscribe to any.


Diffusion of Innovation Theory


Snap to Unlock • Snapchat
The Diffusion of Innovation Theory is a theory all the spread of new technology, Everett Rogers came up with the theory. 

There are four elements that influence the spread, which are the innovation itself, communication channels, time, and a social system

For the innovation of Snapchat, we first look at the elements. Innovation is a very unique innovation, we have never seen social media where you almost have to spend some time of pictures to communicate. Communication channels are definitely increased by this because not only are you having a conversation but you are more in person than any other technology because you are seeing what you look like, where you are, how you're dressed, and even your facial expressions. Next, the time is about the same as any other social media aspect so there is not a plus but also no downfall with this element. As for the social system it was widely used by anything which is a major plus because there is no social system against the idea.

There are five different stages of who and how society adopts this new innovation. 

The first is Innovators, this group of people wants to be the very first to try a new idea, they are interested and invested. Very little has to be done to appeal to this group. Snapchat won over this group because of the unique idea of sending a picture to communicate which has never been done before, so of course, someone has to try it. 

The second is Early Adopters, these people are the opinion leaders and embrace change. You should use how-to manuals and information sheets to appeal to this group but extra information is not needed to convince them of this change. This group liked how Snapchat showed you how to work the app when it first came into play, they gave a step by step tutorial which appealed to this group. 

The third group of people in the Early Majority. This group of people are rarely leaders but still adopt new ideas before the typical people. They need to see evidence that the innovation will work. Success stories and evidence appeal to this group. This group saw the evidence from there friend groups and success stories from them so they wanted to see what all the hype was about.

The fourth group is Late Majoiet, this group is skeptical of change. Innovation has to be tried by the majority for them to try it. Information on how other people have tried it and posted it successfully will appeal to this group. This group did not want to try the new app but saw a lot of people loving it and wanted to see for themselves. 

Finally, the last group is Laggards, these people are very traditional. They are very skeptical of change and the hardest group to adopt the innovation. Strategies appeal to this group by stat statistics, fear appeals, and pressure from people in the other adopter groups. This group was almost forced to try the app since almost everyone used it to communicate and how much everyone loved it which pressured them into trying it. 


The New Social Media Thanks to Covid-19

Social media has played a role in many people's lives for several years, good and bad. Now that everyone is under a stay-at-home order, more and more people turn to social media to connect during this time while trying to keep everything as normal as possible. Yet, social media is still playing a huge role in the way people are reacting to Covid-19 even if they do not see it.

Facebook launches new coronavirus information hub

It is no surprise society turns to social media for a lot of news in today's age. One is the closing of schools due to Covid-19. One school district in Washington State had over 250 comments on there post, with many people debating if this is a "Classic overreaction" or if "This great and all".

This real-time information updates by the click of a button can provide us with tools we need to make smart decisions but on the other hand, make us more anxious about what is coming next.

Good and bad still come from Social media during this crazy time, social media is a great way to feel less isolated from the world. While Scientists and other public health experts are using social media as a way to communicate with the public or communities are using platforms to help ad volunteer work.

On the flip side, there are still thousands of rumors and false information out on social media. This misinformation is getting a much higher spread due to its drawing in more people's attention. Social media platforms and even police are doing there best to keep false information off there platforms but it is a lot easier said than done.

Covid-19 is actually viewed differently due to Social Media. For example, if you see a post about someone loading up on hand sanitizer and toilet paper it creates worry for you, therefore making you most likely go out and load up on hand sanitizer and toilet paper. Vice-Virsa is also true if you see a post about someone out of and about you are more likely to ignore social distancing while going out and about too.

In conclusion, Social Media is affecting hundreds of people during Covid-19 but untimely for the better with a balancing act of fear and optimism. Since it is not always a bad thing for a society to be nervous since it is a great motivator for them to stay safe and remain prepared.


Promote Innovation

Promote Innovation is one of the most valuable Eight Values of Free Expression

This value states that "A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways." 

I feel that if a community is forever trying to innovate and better one's self no one matter how that community is thriving. In today's society, most citizens are closed-minded and have only a black and white way to view the world. 

Image result for black and white view of the world

By Promoting Innovation society is told not to look at the world through a black and white lens. If more citizens would exercise their right to free speech, society as a whole would have a different viewpoint and an open mindset. By using your ability of free speech you feel more accomplished as a citizen, you can make your mark in society and have your voice be heard. Not only do you personally have a fulfillment but you also have the satisfaction of knowing you advocated for a good cause.

Image result for free speech 

When Americans use their ability to free speech, they are making society as a whole more diverse by showing their viewpoint. This, in turn, makes a more creative and active society, it helps citizens of a community feel like they belong in that community. Below is a great video of why free is important, how it benefits the community and the citizens especially on a college campus. 

Personally, I feel the most important part of that statement is one of the very first parts, "A community in which free speech is valued" The word valued is a very important one, this means that the community is respecting the free speech, considering it, and truly attempting to understand it. This is where a thriving society will come from.

Jack Blakin is the founder of this idea and author of Living Organism, the book that goes into major detail about this concept. This book argues the idea that conflict is not the answer, yet society needs to focus on being compatible, which is the best version of living. It also touches on subjects like civil rights and liberty. While both Liberals and Conservatives working through there differences play a very important role in working through constitutional construction.

In conclusion Promote Innovation from one of the eight speech theories is easily one of the most important, underrated, and inspiring. It makes me want to make sure my ability to free speech is being used in order to speak my mind. It will make society better, make me feel fulfilled as an active citizen, and over help the community as a whole. 

Audit Your Online Presence

How large an online footprint do you have? Do you have a personal website?

I feel that overall I have a very large footprint. I have googled how to find and track down your online footprint. This website said to google your name is equation marks and see what pops up if nothing comes up to take it a step further and put your town and state besides your name. When I googled "Alyssa Hefner" the very first image was of me as well as links to my Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram, even one of my old ones. When I clicked on images solely I saw over 15 plus images of me as well as tons of people I know or events I have attended. When I went the further step and added my town even more images of me came up from three to four years ago that was not there when I had just googled my name. Even under the related searches my hobbies and relatives were listed. 

Which social media sites do you use? What have you put on them? What have you linked to? 

I use social media such as Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. I do use Blogger, Wix Websites, and Linkedin for school and professional related reasons. As for my personal social media, I mainly try to use them to build a good image of me being a typical teenager, such as going to the beach with my friends or trying to brand myself for my modeling or pageant career. When it comes to my professional social media I still give a short bio about me but it also has my resume and thinks that are school-related such as videos or work I have done attached to them. I rarely link social media to one another and if I do it is mainly to my google account so I can log in to certain things faster. 

What information about you could a visitor glean about you, even indirectly, by visiting your pages on social media? 

I think any person visiting my social media, however, most of my accounts are on private could tell where I go to college, who my closest friends are, some of the clubs I am involved in at my school, where I have worked and what some of my hobbies are. 

What private information have you voluntarily given out, such as your phone number and e-mail address? To what sites and why? 

I have voluntarily given out both my school and personal email as well as my phone number to one or two sites, I did this as a way to sign up for the site, which is supposed to add for extra security so no one can hack into your account. 

Consider the sorts of questions posed by The Atlantic article: Does social media make people lonely? Depressed? Isolated?

I feel that social media can make people lonely, depressed, and isolated. I do not feel that social media is the cause of Yvette Vickers death, however, it may have played a role in it. I think if you spend to much time on social media then you may feel isolated and depressed in some way because social media is not really reality. So social media is okay to have for connection with friends and family as long it doesn't consume you.


Lack of Privacy

I did not realize how many ways the government, local police stations, or even dangerous hackers were watching us and getting ahold of our personal information. 

Retail stores are now using this information to help companies sell their product, there was a website launched that tracked your face and it could process data such as you being seen several times in a black dress, then the seller would push the sale of black dresses on you. This is such a scary use of technology knowing a total stranger can know all this about you while you have no idea and still fall for the gimmick at the same time. 

One of the ways the government or local police stations are getting information on us is by tracking where our cargoes. It can do it one of two ways, it can use the navigation system in our cars to tell if we are going to church, where the grocery stores, and tons of more places. The second way is cameras posted all around towns taking pictures of our car's license plate number. The local police station then can keep this information in case you were to get into trouble with the law in the far future. This is not okay, they should only hold potential information if you are in some kind of trouble with the law. 
Can security cameras see license plates? -QSee
Another very scary piece of technology that could be very dangerous is the hack that our phones, computers, and other pieces of technology are built with automatic surveillance. Our telephones and the networks that carry our calls were originally wired for surveillance first. This means anyone can listen in on your phone call conversation. However the real scary part is that this may not even be from your own government, it could another government, a stalker, or a hacker listening in. 

We need to have laws for citizens to change these ways that violate our privacy. This is not a way to live, a total stranger should not know everything about you just because you use a telephone or know where you are going just because you drive a car. 

Final Post

Technology  T he relationship I have with technology is one of the most challenging questions I've had to answer since I use it eve...