First iPhone


On January 9th, 2007, Apple founder Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone at a Macworld convention, he spent at least an hour explaining the device. But the phone did not release until 6 months later. Apple sold 270,000 iPhones the first weekend it was available, 
with the first iPhone had 4 GB of storage for $499. It was also the first phone to use Multitouch technology. But it ran on "EDGE," which is painfully slow. It's basically as slow as home internet was before high-speed broadband. Yet, the 1st generation iPhone sold 6 million in its first year, firmly securing its impact.  

The iPhone  The first iPhone.


Today, Apple has sold 2.2 billion iPhones. In the United States, there are 100 million iPhone users, accounting for 45% of all smartphone users. The iPhone gave us 24/7 internet, which can have the effect of “blurring the lines between work and home-life". Also while using their iPhone as their only computer as well as their only camera, GPS device, music player, communicator, trip planner, and payment tool. It puts the world in our pockets. Not only does an iPhone put the world in our hands, but it has also revolutionized technology, due to the invention off apps. 



Twitters History:

Have you ever wondered how one of the biggest news yet still considered social media platforms came about? Built by the framework Ruby on Rails, Twitter first became an idea in 2006, Based on Odea, an already existing website to search audio and video. However, when Apple launched iTunes, Odea pretty much crashed. The main founders of Odea and Twitter, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, both previously worked for Google. Evan Williams and Biz Stone both did amazing work such-as creating the Blogger website. When Twitter was first launched in March of 2006 its idea was to be a free SMS messaging-with a social networking element, which is why there use to be a 140-word character limit. But By 2007 there were 60,000 tweets sent per day, so the limit was then raised to 280 and is more known as social media, than another way to send text messages. Today Twitter has 2 million users and in 2016 it was discovered that there are about 500 million tweets are being sent per day, which averages 200 billion tweets per year. 

Use Twitter as Part of Your Content Strategy

Twitters Impact: 

Twitter is one of the largest social media platforms to receive your news from following Facebook. A recent study shows that 36% of Twitter users follow some kind of news source. Not only do you receive news from social media instead of the old fashioned newspaper or television, but it has also changed how fast the public receives news. Twitter has made a race for journalists everywhere to be the first one to break news. This could be a great thing because it can build a journalist's platform and reliability. However, on the flip side, one little mistake or error could end a career forever. In fact, there have been several huge news stories that broke on twitter, check out the top ten with the link below. With one of the top story's being the famous plane landing on the Hudson River. Not only can Twitter make or break a journalist, but it can now dictate what is considered news in a sense and what is not. If society does not like the story or post then it won't go viral whereas if society finds the story interesting it will go viral. Not only did Twitter completely change the way that journalist work, but it also impacts everyday people with a total of 52% of users, use twitter as a way to communicate with their family.  


48 States Against Google

48 U.S. states as well as Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico are launching an investigation as to whether Google violated the antitrust law

The investigation is being led by Texas's attorneys general.
The claim is that Google has "potential monopolistic behavior." This is due to the Silicon Valley Research Project.

The Silicon Valley Research Project was an effort to track U.S. Citizens.
Most of the research by Google was funded and coordinated by Silicon Valley.
Two graduate students were the lead researchers and researched whatever the NSA, the CIA, and the intelligence community hoped for due to them providing the grants. 

This was essentially looking to determine how Google advertises to the public. Texas's attorney's general states "If advertising costs are higher, advertisers pay more, and ultimately that's passed on to consumers." which is what Google could be doing. 

So far the investigation has found that, 9 out of 10 online searches are conducted through Google and that Google this year will control 31% of global digital ad dollars, according to eMarketer estimates. 

As a result, Google agreed to pay $170 million to resolve allegations that did violate the privacy rights of children. It has been confirmed that Google has been tracking children as they watch cartoons and other kid-related videos on YouTube, without parental consent. 

Google defended themselves by stating this quote "Things that were science fiction a few years ago are now free for everyone—translating any language instantaneously, learning about objects by pointing your phone, getting an answer to pretty much any question you might have."

Final Post

Technology  T he relationship I have with technology is one of the most challenging questions I've had to answer since I use it eve...